Publications by Type: Journal Article

Delgado S. Objetos relacionais y la educación de los sentidos en Lygia Clark. Cuadernos de Literatura. Submitted.
Delgado S. Fascination, or Enlightenment in the Age of Neon Light: The Case of Concrete Poetry in Brazil. October. Submitted.
Delgado S. Lygia Clark: At Home With Objects. Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies. Submitted.
Delgado S. Futurism in Mexico. Handbook of International Futurism. Forthcoming.
Delgado S. A Theater of Displacement: Staging Activism, Poetry, and Migration through a Transborder Immigrant Tool. The Internet as a Contestatory Medium. Forthcoming.
Delgado S. Estética, política y el cuerpo en Salón de belleza de Mario Bellatin. Revista Hispánica Moderna. 2011;64 (1).
Delgado S. Dziga Vertov and the Phenomenology of Perception. Film Criticism. 2009;31 (1) :1-16.